Monday, November 23, 2015

Morning Devotional November 23, 2015

Romans 6:1-2
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”
Wow!!! What strong words for God's children. Often times we forget that even though we are under God's grace we are still sinners. We still have the lust of the flesh and the pride of life within us. Yes, our Lord died and shed His blood so that we could have eternal life and to be free from sin. But we are still living in this old sinful world with all it's temptations. And satan uses those temptations to draw us away from our Lord and ruin our witness for our Lord.
We must remember that though we are no longer bound by the death grip of our sins we still commit sins. God's grace does not keep us from sinning but it keeps us from dying an eternal death in those sins. God's grace keeps us from God's wrath on those who are not His. Our God is merciful in that He promised us that He would never leave us. He will be there whenever we decide to follow Him rather than follow ourselves.
Sin is selfishness. It is following what we want rather that what God wants. And remember when it is His time He will pull us out of that sin and use us however He wills. As our Heavenly Father, the pulling us out of our sin will not be pleasant. As a parent spanks their child to correct them for their disobedience so does our Heavenly Father jerk us up by the nap of the neck and spank us for not following what He has commanded.
What love our God has for His children!!! So much so that even though we fall deeper and deeper into sin He still loves us and loves us enough to correct us and to show us the way He would have us to go. 
 A love so strong we cannot refuse it nor run from it when He is ready for us to do His bidding.
Praise God for His everlasting love!!! Praise God for His grace and mercy towards us even when we fail Him over and over again. O Christian, stop living in the sin of this world. Stop following the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Seek the face of our Lord and Savior. Fall on your knees in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Beg Him for forgiveness for your sins. Then ask Him to give you forgiveness for yourself and those around you.
O lost person, if the Holy Spirit is convicting you of your sins. If He is causing you to see the wickedness of your ways. Follow Him. Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!!!
Praise ye the Lord!!!

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