Friday, June 1, 2018

Morning Devotional June 1, 2018

Psalm 27:14
“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”

All through God's Word we see Him teaching His people patience. We see our Lord teaching us to wait for His timing in so many different areas of our life today too. As we live in a fast paced world where people have been trained to “take it now”. We are taught from an early age to not wait for anything but rather to jump right in with both feet and take what we want. Even the modern religionist teach a “name it and claim it” gospel.
A lack of patience has lead many to the false gospel of salvation by works or the gospel of man's free will. A gospel in which man is instructed to not wait on God's timing for our salvation but to pray a “sinners prayer” and to “accept” Jesus today. All because man wants something so bad that he is willing to go around God's true plan for salvation and to force God to accept him. What foolishness!!!
God, in His Word tells His people over and over again to wait for His time. God has a set plan and purpose for each of us. And even when we try to force things to fit our will, God's will is still Sovereign and He will only permit that which is His will.
Now this does not mean we are to sit back and do nothing while we wait on the Lord. He has given us a mission. He has given us work to do. We are still to be good stewards of what He has given us and we are still to be about our Father's buisness. We can not be lazy or slack while we are waiting for His answer or for His timing in a matter.
As the verse above states, “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thy heart:”. If we will just wait on the Lord and follow His lead in all things and at the same time continue in the work He has given us how much more peace and joy would we have in this life?
Follow Christ in all things. Seek to please Him in all we do. Remember, we are here for His purpose and not our own.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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