Thursday, May 31, 2018

Morning Devotional May 31, 2018

Proverbs 16:3
“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.”

As we go through this life many things are thrown our way to tempt us and to draw us away from our Lord. Every day our eyes are exposed to some of the deepest sins man has ever conceived in his mind. Our ears hear some of the most ungodly stories and language ever devised in the heart of man.
Yet, our Heavenly Father has provided a way we can travel in complete safety and peace on this journey. He tells us to “Commit thy works unto the Lord”. If we will follow Him. If we love Him enough to follow His commandments.
Our Lord will protect us and guide us through this life. Yes, there will be times we will stumble and even fall in this sinful world. There will be times we will stray off the path He has set us on. All because of our sinful flesh. But, He is there to pick us up and lead us back and set us on the way to where He will have us go.
If we would just commit our works unto the Lord these failings and straying would be few and far between. Remember Job. It was the Lord who permitted satan to tempt Job and to persecute Job. But, Job being a just man, even in his time of despair and tribulation turned to God. Even when Job's closest friends and even his wife turned against him, Job followed the Lord and the Lord blessed him for it all.
In this journey we are on in this life, look to Christ in all things. Show our Lord and the world your love for Christ by following His commandments. When the temptations come, flee them and follow Christ. Leave the lust of the world with the world and follow Christ. For it is in Christ in which our hope rest.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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