Sunday, May 13, 2018

Morning Devotional May 13, 2018

Ephesians 6:1-3
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.”

In many places in God's Word we are given examples of Godly parents. But it seems that mothers always had a special place for even the greatest of kings and rulers and the toughest of warriors. Those men who the Lord used to shape the nation of Israel and even those He used to spread the Gospel in the early days of the New Testament, churches. We see that even our Lord held His earthly mother Mary in high regard.
The questions I hold before you today is this; When do we stop being children to our parents and when do we become so grownup that we are no longer required to honor them?
Well, according to the verse above and others like it, there is no age limit on us honoring our parents. We commonly think that once we reach a certain age or a certain level of maturity that we are no longer bound by this commandment. But remember, even our Heavenly Father refers to us as His children. No matter our age or level of maturity. For our parents we will always be their children. And for a mother there is that special something that fathers do not have. That special attachment to the child she carried for nine months before birth and then personally cared for until they were able to care for themselves. In most homes it is the mother who provides the physical and spiritual training in the early years of the child's life. It is the mother who teaches through discipline, how the child is behave. Yes the father has a large part also. But according to God's Word it is the mother who is more in the upbringing of the child in the home. We see the example of King Lemuel in Proverbs 31. His mother instructed him on what to look for in a Godly wife. We see Timothy's grandmother and mother mentioned for their “unfeigned faith. I could go on with mothers of men like Issac, Moses, Samuel, and so many others. But I think we all get the jest of what is being said here.
So, as children of God we are commanded to honor our parents. One day a year we have a special day of celebration for mothers. Let us not forget the sacrifices made and the many prayers of our mothers for us. The long suffering that showed when we rebelled so many times.
On this special day, let us take time to give a special honor to our mothers. And remember it was our Heavenly Father who gave us the parents we have for His purpose and for His glory. Praise Him for giving us the mother He gave us.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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