Thursday, May 3, 2018

Morning Devotional May 3, 2018

 Psalm 18:32
“It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.”

Praise God!!! O what a blessing it is to know from whence cometh our help!!! O to know Him whom is life everlasting!!! O to know when we are at our lowest He is there to bring us to our highest!!! What joy to know our strength comes from our Lord and Savior!!! And to know it is our God who guides our every footstep and makes our way perfect in Him and to His glory.
O child of God, are you in a time of trial today? Are you down trodden? Is the enemy attacking from every direction? Does there seem to be no hope for whatever the situation is you face? Look to Christ!!! Fall on your knees before the Father and beg for mercy.
Is there great sin in your life? Flee the lust of the world and follow Christ. Are you burdened by things you see your family and friends dealing with? Turn to Christ and then, if they are His, encourage them to do the same. If they are not saved, take the opportunity to share His glorious Gospel.
O that we would all know and understand we have no strength aside from our Heavenly Father. O that we would forsake ourselves and turn to Christ and Christ alone!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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