Saturday, May 5, 2018

Morning Devotional May 5, 2018

Job 38:4

"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding."

This one verse in God's reply to Job is enough to stop any man in his tracks.
God, who is Creator of all things and who Sovereign in all things has no obligation to respond to such nonsense as Job was questioning. And today, why would we think we would be any better than Job?
In man's finite, puny, and febal mind we often forget who is the Master of our destiny. We are so rebellious of our Heavenly Father. We are often times a disgrace and embarrassment to the one who has given us His all.
O child of God, how is your love for our Lord? Do you love Him enough to follow Him? Do you love Him so much you would go where He calls without complaining?
Follow Christ today!!! Where He leads, follow. Prove your love to the One who loves us unconditionally. Follow Christ!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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