Luke 6:46
“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which
I say?”
How often do we cry “Lord, Lord!!!” in times of desperation
and despair but refuse to follow the one on whom we call? Jesus told us in John
14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” But do we? How often do we wait
till we are in dire straits before we show our love for our Lord?
We want to reap the bounty of His grace and mercy but we
desire not to follow Him in His commandments. We will follow the lust of the
world and the pride of life but refuse the peace and joy that comes from
following Christ.
I John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep his
comandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”
So then why do we make God's commandments grievous? If we
will only follow Him how much peace and joy would we have in this life?
Our rebellion against our Heavenly Father is a poor witness
to those around us. Whether to the saved or to the unsaved. They all see us
when we rebel and doubt our love for our Savior and Lord that we claim so dear.
O child of God, are you living a life of rebellion against
our Heavenly Father today? Stop your rebellion and follow Christ. Prove to the
world around you who you are and whose you are. Show the love of Christ to all
you come in contact with daily. Forsake the lust of the world and the pride of
life and follow Christ. Fore it is only when we follow Christ that we find true
peace and joy and rest in this life.
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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