Thursday, October 18, 2018

Morning Devotional October 18, 2018

Psalm 53:1
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.”

In his last book, author and scientist Stephen Hawking declared “There is no God.” “No one directs the universe.” His book was released earlier this week.
This was not the first time Mr. Hawking made such a statement. But supposedly this was the last recorded time he admitted such foolishness. In his final book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions” Mr. Hawking continued with his denial of God being who God says He is. (It is interesting to note that Mr. Hawking's first name “Stephen” is derived from a story in the Bible.)
Some have looked to this man as the top scientist in the world in his lifetime if not in all of history. Yet, like so many before him he refused to see through the very creation he studied to understand the meaning of why and who created all things.
Some of the most educated men with their expensive telescopes and microscopes have access to things in God's creation in person that most of us will only ever see in a news report or a documentary. And yet they will deny the very Creator who created the things they observe and study.
God's Word is clear. “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”
As for Stephen Hawking it is too late. Unless our Lord showed mercy on him on his death bed, he left this world and opened his eyes in hell. We should pray for those who have such knowledge but refuse God the Creator. Pray our Lord open their spiritual eyes to the truth. And pray those who follow such foolishness would see the confusion and false teachings presented by those who deny the very Creator of all heaven and earth.
Remember, God's Word is truth. Follow Him and not the lies of man.
Praise ye the Lord!!!

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