Sunday, May 30, 2021

Morning Devotional May 30, 2021


Morning Devotional

Psalm 11:3

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Our nation was founded on Biblical principles. Only the very foolish among us would deny this very obvious fact. From the writings of our founding fathers to the way they lived their lives it is apparent that they held a deep love and respect for the statutes and commandments of our Heavenly Father. In the following generations great memorials were built and written about these great men of faith. Men who set the example for the generations to come. The example of One Nation Under God. And, for a time God blessed this nation.

However, in the past few generations the foundation set in place by our founding fathers has been greatly eroded. The very intellect of our society has turned from the studies of our Creator to the sinful indulgences of fallen man. As a society we no longer look to God for answers but to our wicked politicians for a handout.

In the Bible we can look to God's favored nation of Israel in the Old Testament. We see how, when they turned their backs on God and began to follow the evilness of man and tried to rely on themselves rather on the Lord, they failed miserably. And God chastised them greatly for their spiritual adultery.

Though our nation does not hold the same place in the eyes of God as Israel, we as a nation, have claimed the name of God and have claimed to be a “Christian” nation. Do we honestly think that God will let us get by with blaspheming His name to the whole of His creation?

The wrath of God is coming for the wicked of this world. They will have their day. But what of God's own who have participated in the destruction of the Biblical foundation of our land? Though we will be spared His wrath He still promises chastisement upon His children as we would our own children. Though the foundations of our nation have been destroyed we still have an obligation to serve God and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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