Saturday, December 17, 2022

Morning Devotional December 17, 2022


Jeremiah 10:2-4

“2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”

What is wrong with God's people today? In a day and age when we have some much information at our very fingertips. We can research more, easier, and faster than at any other time in history. With the technology we have today and with some many using this technology. We have no excuse for not understanding clearly, things that may have been not so clear in the past.

Don't misunderstand. I fully believe God's Word is clear to those He chooses to open their understanding to the mysteries of His Word. God's Word is never changing. No matter how or what the modern so-called translators try to say. Some try to say the Old Testament was for Israel only and not for the New Testament Church. That would apply to the Old Covenant. But the Old Testament as we know it. Those books of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi are just that, Books of the Bible. The same Bible that holds the New Testament books.

So, do we, as members of the Lord's churches, read and study the Old Testament? Is there a benefit to us to do such? Why would God include the Old Testament in the Canon of scripture He provided for us today? If one will simply read and study the Old Testament and the stories of those saints back then we will see a people, though loved greatly by God, continuously rebelled against God. Time and time again God showed His love, mercy, and grace on them. We see the never ending love God has for those He calls His children. Even when they rebelled and even when they sought after false gods and false doctrines.

But, remember we also see the chastisement of God on those same children when He had had enough of their rebellion. And every time He chastised them we see God get the glory and it was for their good. Is not the telling of the stories of God's people in the Old Testament a prime example for God's people today? Then why is it that we read and study those stories in the Old Testament and still live our lives in rebellion against God and His Word just as they did? I have heard it said that we must learn from history so that we don't repeat history. Yet, God's people are just as guilty as the unsaved at repeating their history.

In an age where there is a great movement in our nation to remove and erase our Godly Heritage, many of the Lord's churches have and are doing just that. By celebrating the unholy day of Christmas the Lord's churches are removing and erasing their very own Godly Heritage. The very Christmas story that will be represented by nativity scenes on the church property to the sermons and lessons preached and taught the next few weeks will be chuck full of false doctrine and full of false god worship. Go to the Books of Matthew and Luke and read, in detail the whole story of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and tell me it ain't so. And yet God's people love to have it so.

I would also challenge you to read the whole of the New Testament. Paying close attention to those stories of the first churches and the God's men who taught those people how the churches were to worship and who to worship. Nothing is ever mentioned about holy days. Matter of fact most of those men warned the churches to flee the ways of the ungodly world. The Jews and the Gentiles alike were instructed to leave their former ways and look to Christ and Christ alone. Today we see many reverting back to the old Jewish holy days as a replacement for the paganism of Rome and others following the pagan worship of Rome and Babylon. Both declaring their observances “Christian”.

With the technology we have today we can easily research where these holy days and observances come from. Their history and true meanings are out in the open if you are willing to do a little research. When you find this history then go to God's Word and see what God had to say about unholy observances. See what God had to say about following after the traditions of man. See what God expects for worship from His people. Follow Christ and Christ alone!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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