Saturday, December 24, 2022

Morning Devotional December 24, 2022

Proverbs 12:22

“Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight.”

What a sad thing it is for men of God to take a stand for a lie rather than the truth. It is disheartening this time of year to see so many of God's preachers proclaim the lies of the season rather than stick to the truth of God's Word.

Whether you believe Christmas is rooted in paganism or not, the observance is so full of lies about the true story of our Lord's birth it is an abomination to the Lord. Yet, year after year Pastors who preach good, solid truth from God's Word the rest of the year will preach what tickles the ears of sinful man rather than proclaim the truth of God's Word.

It is so simply put in multiple places in the Bible, the events surrounding the conception and birth of our Lord and Savior. We see in the Book of Acts and the letters written to the early churches no mention of observing the birth of our Lord. What we do see are many warnings to not follow after the traditions of man and the sinful ways of this world.

There is no need for the lies surrounding the celebration of our Lord's birth. The Holy Scriptures are clear what took place, when it took place, and where it took place. But, because some have decided the story told by the followers of Roman Catholicism sounds better than what God Himself told we have what we have today. Sadly many in the Lord's true churches have fallen into this false doctrine, or doctrine of devils also.

The story of Santa Claus is based on lies and is steeped in lies also. It amazes me even more as I grow older how God's people can feed such a lie to their children and grandchildren. Then stand in wonder when those same children fall for the lies of this very wicked generation. It is a sad thing when God's own people preach truth all throughout the year then for a few short weeks proclaim the lies of a dead and dying world. A world that cares nothing for the truth of God's Word. A world that knows just enough about God's Word that they will make up a story about the earthly birth of the Son of God and make it sound so nice and pretty that God's own elect will fall for it rather than stick to the truth we are so commanded to proclaim.

What will you do this weekend? Proclaim the truth of God's Word or follow the lies of man?

Pastor, what will you preach? What example do you live in your home and in public? If the Lord was to come back tomorrow while you are standing in the pulpit, what will you be preaching? Truth or a lie? Think about it!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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