Saturday, December 3, 2022

Morning Devotional December 3, 2022


Acts 1:8

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

Today we will have a brother come preach for our monthly fellowship meeting who has been called out of one the the Lord's churches to be a missionary. The strange thing about this brother's calling to many is the fact that the Lord has not called him to go to a foreign land. We recently started supporting a dear brother and his family who are in the process of starting a mission work in Wyoming. Both of these men have a desire to see God's elect saved and churches organized in areas that are void of true churches.

Here in the United States of America God's people have this sense of entitlement. We often think there is no need for missionaries here. After all, are we not “One Nation Under God ''? Look around us today, watch the local, state, and national news. Honestly, do we really look like “One Nation Under God”? Can we truly say we are a Christian nation? Remember the meaning of the name “Christian”? To be Christ-like or to be a follower of Christ.

With our track record on baby murder, the treatment of the elderly, our religious freedoms that seem to be eroding daily, the way the Lord's true churches have fallen after the world in their worship of sports and entertainment idols and the idolatry of pagan holy days, the removal of godly heritage from public view, etc. How can we really believe we, as a nation, are one under God? Sure, God has shown great mercy on this nation because of His people. But, how long will God show mercy to a nation who time and time again denies His very existence? And not just the nation as a whole, but God's own people. The members of the Lord's own churches.

This is why I say there is a great need for missionaries in our nation today. Our nation is in dire straits, spiritually speaking. Every election cycle we vote for the person who we think will change our nation back to what it once was. We argue and discuss among ourselves about the evil in politics on all levels. Yet do we have a desire for a spiritual awakening in this nation? If not, then why not? That is the greatest need in our land today.

Please understand, I am not saying to stop supporting missionaries going to the foreign field. What I am saying is we have a great need here at home. Our Jerusalems(cities and communities), Judeas(states and nation), and even our Samaria(Canada) are in great need for missionaries from the Lord's churches to go and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

If you are a man who has been called into the ministry but unsure about where God wants you, I encourage you to pray about a church that is in need of a pastor or an area of our nation that is in need of a missionary and a true church. There are plenty of both needs. Call me, we'll pray together and talk about these things.

Pray for these brethren who have a desire to see souls saved in our nation. Pray for them as they go out seeking to follow their call from the Lord.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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