Colossians 3:18-21
“Wives, submit
yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against
them. Children, obey your parents in all things: for
this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke
not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.”
What wonderful words directed to our families!!!
The Lord tells wives to submit to your own husbands. Not to another man, but to
your own husband. And notice, He says submit yourselves. He did does not say
bow down, or enslave yourself. But He says submit. Your husband is to be your
main concern in this life. Not a slave master he is to love you as Christ so
loves the church. Christ is the perfect example of the perfect husband. But
remember your husband is not perfect and he is not Christ. Don't expect your
husband to be perfect. But the Lord has made your husband perfect for you.
Remember your husband is to be the head of the home, the spiritual leader of
the home, and main financial supporter of the home. Love him not only as your
husband and lover, but if he is a child of God, love him as your brother in
Christ. Respect him as a man of God. And if he is not the man of God he should
be, encourage him to be that man of God his family needs.
Husbands, Notice here and in other
scriptures where this same topic is addressed, that the Lord puts more responsibility
on you than He does on the wife. There is a reason for that. Because the Lord
has called us to be the head of our homes and families just as Christ is the
head of His church. We are to love and care for our wives as Christ so loves
His bride to be, His church. We are not to be a tyrant. We are treat our wife
with all due respect. We are to love her through the good and the bad. Remember
the churches has not been perfect to her bride to be. How many times as
churches have we failed our Lord? How many times have the Lord's churches
strayed? How many times have they refused to follow? And How many times has the
Lord forgiven them and lovingly brought them back to Himself?
Remember your wife is your Helpmeet. Not to
be under your heal. Not to be put above your head. Eve was taken from the side
of Adam. Your wife is to be by your side. Not behind or in front of you. Give
her the respect and put her in the place in your life she deserves.
Lastly we see the Lord speak to children
about obeying their parents. But notice once again the Word is speaking to the
father and husband. Not the mother and wife. Why? Because the father/husband is
the head of the home. It is his responsibility to make sure the children are
taught to respect both father and mother. All things in the home are under his
headship and are his responsibility. Whether things are good or bad everything
is the responsibility of the husband/father.
So husbands, standup and take responsibility
for your home. Be the man God has commanded you to be. Wives, standup and be
the support your husband needs. Be the godly wife you have been commanded to
be. Children, standup and be respectful to your parents. They both have a big
load to bare in your upraising. Be the godly child you are commanded to be.
And to the whole family, worship the Lord
together. Pray together. Sing praises to the Lord together. Study His Word
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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