Sunday, October 25, 2015

Morning Devotional October 25, 2015

I Thessalonians 5:22


“Abstain from all appearance of evil.”


Oh how we all need to heed these words. The Lord is telling us here that as God's children we must live like children of God. Not like children of the devil. We see so many who claim the name of Jesus who fall into this trap and greatly damage their witness for the Lord. And at times we ourselves have been there and maybe are there now. But our Lord commands us many times in His Word that we are to follow Him and we are to do His commandments. But in our hardheartedness we fight to do our own thing. Living in this old sinful world we struggle to be our own self and break ties with our Heavenly Father. Fore like the Prodigal son the world has fed us this idea that we are better off working for self instead of working for our Lord. But self will get us in trouble every time.

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Does our citizenship in Heaven give us the right to do as we please? Does it give us the right to go where we please? No. Of course not. As children of God we are held to a higher standard than those dead souls in the world. We cannot follow after them. We cannot do what they do and go where they go with out our Heavenly Father chastising us. And if we keep it up? The punishment can become even more harsh. He may remove the thing or things that we hold most dear in this life. He may remove that person that is your “go to” in times of need. He may make it to where that the only one to go to is Himself. Because He will get the glory for whatever happens in our lives.

As God's children, be diligent in your walk with the Lord. Follow not after the world. Follow not after the things of the world. Live your life according to the examples Christ gave in His Word. Anything outside of His Word is not for us, but is of the devil. Stay away from those who would cause you to fall. Stay away from those places that would cause others to doubt who and who's you are. “Abstain from all appearance of evil.”


Praise ye the Lord!!!

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