Saturday, July 1, 2017

Morning Devotional July 1st, 2017

Proverbs 30:6

Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”

O what a blessing our God has given us by providing us with His written Word. Why would we ever want to add to or take away from the beautiful writing of our Heavenly Father? How selfish and evil a man would have to be to want to do such a thing.
In God's Word we see from the creation of all things in Heaven and earth all the way to the total destruction and refurbishment of the same. We see the first man fall in sin and through him sin enter the whole world. Then, by God's grace we see God send His Son to be the sacrifice to free His chosen people from their sin.
In God's Word He tells us how we should live our daily lives. God commands us to follow His moral laws and commands us on how we should follow Him in all things. He even commands us to study His Word daily and gives examples of people who followed His commandments and of those who did not follow His commandments. And even seeing these examples of both we still struggle to follow Him.
And O the love of God we see in His Word!!! Our Heavenly Father makes clear and plain His love for His children in His Word. A love like we will never know from anyone in this life. An everlasting love full of grace and mercy. A love so strong that He would send His only begotten Son to shed His blood for the people He had chosen before the creation to be His.
O the wonderful story we read of the Son of God and His Bride the Church. A romantic love story like none we would ever read in a novel or see in a movie. A Bride-Groom totally dedicated to His Bride. So dedicated He died, was buried, and rose again so that she would be sanctified and cleansed of her sin making her righteous and holy. So dedicated is this Bride-Groom that He will come back and take His Bride out of the world when it is time for His Father to bring tribulation on the unsaved of this world for their rebellion against Him.
O what a hope we have that our Lord will take us to be with Him for all eternity!!! O what a blessing to know we will be with Him, praising His name and worshiping Him throughout all eternity!!! O what a blessing to read of all this and more in His Holy Word!!!
What purpose could a man have for wanting to make changes to the written Word of God? To despise and hide the loving words of our Heavenly Father is nothing short of blasphemy.
O child of God, follow the commandments of our Lord that He lays out in His Word. Study to shew thyself approved unto God. Not unto man. Give God the glory for His Word. Not man for manipulating and lying to hide the precious truths of our Lord and Savior.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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