Sunday, February 28, 2021

Morning Devotional February 28, 2021


Ecclesiastes 12:8

Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.”


Could we not be saying the same today? Vanity is all around us.

Part of the definition of the word “Vanity” in the Webster's 1828 Dictionary says: “Empty pleasure; vain pursuit; idle show; unsubstantial enjoyment.”

Do we not see much of this today? The vain pleasures of people, the vain pursuit of happiness in this life has caused many of God's people to fall out of fellowship with the Lord.

We look around us and we see the empty promises made by our politicians and even by so-called men of God. And the people love to have it so. As long as their ears are tickled with promises of health and wealth and prosperity they care not for the outcome.

Where are you today? Are you serving the Lord as you should or as you please? Is the hope you follow after vanity or is your hope in our Lord and Savior? Flee the lust of this life. Run from the pride and vanity of this life. Seek Jesus Christ and follow Him. For it is only through Christ Jesus that we have truth and hope and peace.


Praise ye the Lord!!!

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