Monday, June 17, 2024

Morning Devotional June 17, 2024


Revelation 21:14

“And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.”

Imagine if you will for a few moments. Here is the Apostle John. By this time he is a very old man. He has lived a full life. He is the last of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. He is known as the one who was so loved by the Lord that Jesus entrusted John with taking care of His mother Mary as He was dying on the cross. He has suffered much persecution in his own life for the preaching of the Gospel. He has seen or at least heard of the cruel deaths of his fellow Apostles and many other followers of Christ and his own death has been attempted many times.

John is the last Apostle. He was there on the day of Pentecost and saw the working of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles and saw those thousands of Jews saved and added to the Church after the hearing of the Gospel. It is said he was the longtime Bishop of the Church at Ephesus. The point here is John has witnessed a lot in his life, all for the glory of God. And now that he is close to the end of his life while he was in the “Spirit on the Lord's Day”. I take it that this is saying John was in his time of worship on the Lord's Day. When the Lord came to him and took him away to show him great and mighty things to come. John would see what we refer to as the End Times and The Great Tribulation and all that happens before and after.

Then towards the end of the Book John is shown the New City of Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven. A glorious sight indeed! And John sees the names of the twelve Apostles on the twelve foundations of this great and most beautiful city. His name!!! The name of John!!! Oh! What a glorious sight that must have been for Old Brother John to see his own name there on the foundation of the City of the Lamb of God!!! What a reward this dear brother in Christ has coming for him for all eternity!!!

What is John's response? We see in Chapter 22:20. John says: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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