Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Morning Devotional June 4, 2024


1 Corinthians 14:33

“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

Many things can bring confusion to the saints in the Lord's churches. The introduction of false Bible versions, fellowship with those who are not of like faith and order, the preaching of all kinds of false doctrines, the lack of church discipline, all these and many more will cause confusion and a lack of peace among the brethren in one of the Lord's churches. And yet, we see it all around us.

Peace does not come with compromise. That is false peace and it will not last. Peace comes when the congregation is following the Lord and worshipping the Lord according to His commandments. A peace that comes as the result of compromise with the world and modern religion does not have God as it's author and brings confusion and unrest.

The members of the Church at Corinth had a lot of problems and a lack of peace according to Paul's first letter. But by the time he wrote the second letter they had begun to follow the Lord again and peace was coming to the congregation. Peace that was authored by God. Do you want peace? Follow the Lord and His commandments. God will fix the problem or He will remove the problem.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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