Jeremiah 5:30-31
“30 A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land;
31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?”
Have you ever wondered why Baptist will have nothing to do with pictures or statues of the “Virgin” Mary and the Crucifix with the image of Jesus still hanging there will post pictures of a new born babe still in a manger and spend who knows how much money every year placing nativity scenes all around? Remember when Baptist would have nothing to do with having a cross in their homes or on the their houses of worship? Why? Because these things were considered Catholicism. But what about the babe in the manger? This image comes from the same source as the images of Mary and the Crucifix and the Cross. There was a day not many generations back when the vast majority of Baptist believed the truth about the Catholic Christ-Mass. In that day Baptist understood it was an abomination to observe such things.
You pastors and teachers who have all of a sudden discovered a new doctrine in this “Christian Liberty”, answer me this; what are the rules of “Liberty”? Is there a list of what is covered by liberty? Are there things we have more liberty in than others? I have seen others ask these very questions on social media, yet no answer is given. Are you ashamed to answer? Does the answer cut to the heart and convict? It should.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
“3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
When and where does the turning of the truth stop? Will it stop before the Lord's return? There is no promise of such. But we are promised things will get worse and worse before the end.
For those who have been taught the truth, for those who have grown up in homes and churches where the truth was clearly taught and are now leading the Lord's people away from those truths, are you no better than those priest and prophets in Jerusalem who prophesied falsely and who allowed the people to worship Baal and his queen of heaven in their homes, in the streets, and even in the Temple?
Remember, they had the Word of God, they had studied the Word of God, they had sat under the best Bible teachers at the Temple, they knew the truth, they knew the warnings God gave in His Word, the warnings of what would happen if God's people followed after false gods and false doctrine. And yet they still prophesied falsely and persecuted and ridiculed God's men who proclaimed the truth.
Those of us who have taken a stand against these false teachings have been accused of being fear-mongers, Pharisees, legalistic, showing a lack of grace towards others, and even accused of saying those who are following these things are not saved. Must I remind you it was the Pharisees and scribes in Jesus' day that fit this bill and they were the ones who had changed the law of God so they could “rule by their means.” I ask you; is it counted as grace to stand by silently while God's people follow after false doctrine? Would we have the Book of Jeremiah or the Book of Isaiah, or the other books of the prophets if those men had sat by quietly and watched God's people fall away?
Where is the fear of God in His men today? Where is the fear of God in His churches today? Oh! Wait! I forgot! We have liberty. According to many, the liberty to not fear God as we are commanded. Do you love Him? Then follow His commandments. Do you love His people? Then stand and proclaim the truth!
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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