Thursday, January 18, 2018

Morning Devotional January 18, 2018

Amos 5:10
“They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.”

In our pride we often think of this verse when it comes to a man of God preaching against the sins of the world and those sinners outside the Lord's churches who cause grief on God's people for them simply being God's people.
But who was this verse originally written to and about? If we do an in-depth study of the books of the prophets in the later half of the Old Testament we see these men were being used of God to preach the sins of Israel and Judah. God would give them the words to say and they would go out and proclaim God's word to the people. God's people.
Over and over we see God tell of the sins of His people in the books. We read of how God instructed His prophets to go preach and warn His people of His impending doom if they did not repent of their sins.
The nations of Israel and Judah had fallen into spiritual adultery and were following after false gods. Yet today, we take no consideration of our own sins against God. We heed not the warnings God has recorded in His Word of how He destroyed a great nation because of their sin. We fail to see the sins of the Lord's churches.
1 Peter 4:17
“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”
Just like those in the world, God's people will persecute and hate a man who comes preaching the truth about sin. When the message cuts to the heart. When the preacher touches the pet sins of the people. They will most times rebel and seek to explain away what he preaches. How many of us preachers will forgo preaching on certain sins because we know our closest friends and family and maybe even ourselves will be convicted?
Even as the children of God, we are a wicked lot. We deny our Lord in so many things we do every day. Yet He has grace and mercy on us. The love of our Lord is immeasurable. It is everlasting. Praise God for His loving kindness and His long suffering for His people!!!
I know I say this often, but, if ye love Him, follow His commandments. Praise Him constantly for His grace and mercy on us. Pray without ceasing.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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