Thursday, January 4, 2018

Morning Devotional January 4, 2018

John 6:65
“And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.”

Praise God for this great truth!!! O what a disastrous situation we would be in if our Heavenly Father was waiting for us for us to make a decision to be born again or not. What a moronic and blasphemous doctrine it is to think we can make a decision in our salvation apart from God's grace and election.
Friend if you are feeling conviction for your sin and you have began to seek Christ, the Holy Spirit is working in you. This is not from yourself. You had no say in God's election. You have no say in the timing of your salvation. Only God has this authority. It is all of Him or it is none at all. Just as a new born babe has no say in his conception or the time of his birth. We have no say in such matters concerning our new birth in Christ.
Flee false teaching on these matters. Any who will preach man's free will in salvation is a heretic. Run as far away as you can from them.
Seek Christ and His truth. It is He who has come to seek and to save. Not we ourselves. We only seek His face after He has found us and His Spirit has moved within us.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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