Isaiah 7:14
“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a
virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
All through the Old Testament we see the prophecies of the
coming of Christ. Yet the people who knew God's Word most, those scholars and
priest who had more access to the Word, those who had studied it more and
deeper than most, were the very ones who denied Christ when He did come. Even
when He came as He said He would. We read in this verse by the Prophet Isaiah
and not only here but just in the book of Isaiah there are many verses
describing the coming and the life and the death and burial and resurrection of
the Son of God. Yet they still denied who He was when He came. When He
perfectly fulfilled every prophecy laid out in the Old Testament. They still
denied Him.
Are we any better today? No!!! O what a wretched people we
are!!! In so many areas of our lives we deny the Christ who gave His all for
His people. We read His Word. And yet we still deny Him for who He is. Even
when He has made it clear who He is and that we are His. He commands we follow
Him and even gives us simple instructions how to follow and what He expects of
us. But like rebellious children we follow the lust of the world. We make His
commandments grievous when if we would just follow we would suffer no such
So many today a looking for an earthly leader, a politician,
a minister, to follow. Someone they can physically see. Others are looking for
the coming of the anti-Christ in hopes that his reveling will bring the
rapture. But Jesus told us to watch for His coming. He is the Bride-Groom. He
is the one the Bride and her party are to be watching for.
O child of God, where is your hope? Who is your hope in?
Man? A certain period in time? Or in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Look up
and seek His face!!! Follow His commandments!!! Pray with out ceasing!!!
Remember whose you are and who you are. You belong to the Son of God You are a
child of the King. Praise God we have a Savior!!! Praise God for His Sovereign
Grace on His elect people!!!
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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