John 1:1-3
“1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any
thing made that was made.”
As a child this was one of the first set of verses we were
taught to memorize. While growing up in a Sovereign Grace Baptist church, I
heard this passage preached many times. I am sure most of you who grew up in
church have had the same experience.
So, with being so grounded in what these verses say why do
we, as God's children, deny the very meaning of these verses and why do we deny
the One these verses speak of?
If read in their context we can easily see that the theme of
these verses is Jesus Christ. So why do we think that the One who created all
things, then came and shed His blood for His people is not capable of knowing
all things and doing what soever He wills with His creation?
Often times in this life we act as though Christ is
nonexistent. Even the most scholarly of Bible teachers will often deny His
deity and sovereignty. Then those of us on the lower end of the spectrum. Those
of us who desire to know Him and His Word in the common man's understanding.
Even we deny the love He has shown the most wretched of sinners.
Our faith falters and weakens for no known reason other than
the fact that we are depraved sinners who have nothing and are nothing without
our Lord and Savior.
But God, provided a way. God, through His great love and
mercy has shown grace on His people and sent the Great Comforter to give us
rest and peace in any and all situations. Our hope for rest and peace. Our hope
for eternal salvation. Our hope for everlasting life. Is in Jesus Christ and in
Him alone!!!
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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