Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Morning Devotional October 31, 2023

Philippians 4:6

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

Notice how Paul tells us to pray in this verse. “With Thanksgiving”. If we truly desire sweet communion with our Heavenly Father we do not go to Him demanding our every whim. Nor do we start with seeking self pity. We should begin our prayers with humbleness of heart, praising God and giving thanks for all He is and has done, not just for us, but for everything! For it is only after we have humbled ourselves and sought forgiveness for whatever sin is in our lives and sought His presence, it is then and only then that we should let our request be made known unto God.

We often forget, God seeks the attention of His children. He seeks our communion and our praise. But, how can we go before the Most Holy God in our pride. He commands us to humble ourselves first. Oh, how much sweeter the communion with our Heavenly Father is when we come to Him in humbleness of heart and seek His loving kindness toward us!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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