“If a man vow a vow unto the Lord, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.”
There is a teaching that has been going around for some time now that we are no longer bound to the law of Moses and therefore the commands and teachings held within that law have no bearing on us today. We are told that because we live in the “age of Grace” we are no longer under the “Law”. Yet, I think most if not all who read this understands that without the parts of the Law that pertain to social matters our world would be unlivable for the child of God. Most of the laws of the land, at least in what we refer to as civilized nations, come from these commands for social matters.
Just look at the upheaval that is taking place now. With protest and riots and looting and destruction by a crowd of people who are rebelling against the very Laws of God and the laws of the land in which they live. And yes, this rebellion has carried over into the Lord's own people. The real social injustice that is at the root of the problem is man's rebellion against his Creator.
So, I say all that to get around to my original intent for this devotional. When we make a vow or swear and oath unto the Lord we are required to keep that vow or that oath. There can be stipulations and if you read further in this chapter the Lord makes prevision in some cases.
When we join one of the Lord's churches we make a vow to serve the Lord in the capacity of a member of said church. Not everyone is a preacher or teacher. The scripture tells of one having the honor of being the doorman in the house of the Lord. Others may serve the Lord in some other capacity in the church. Sometimes it is just by being a good witness for the Lord in the community in which we live, particularly when those around us know of our affiliation and membership.
Just like the land in which we live our church has laws or rules for the membership to follow and part of our vow to the Lord and to the church is to follow those rules or by-laws. One of the most important of those by-laws is being an active member. And if we are truly following the Lord as we should this one is not difficult at all. But in our rebellious society today many church members have listened to the rebellious attitude of the lost and dying world and would rather follow them than to follow the Lord in the vow they have made to Him and His church. Attendance, learning, tithing/offerings, and fellowship are all compromised all because of our rebellious hearts against our Lord and Savior and His church.
I praise God His has made provision for those who physically can't be with the church in which they are a member. With the blessing of technology many churches are able to record services and in some cases broadcast live. This is a great blessing to many who are not able to attend in person due to illness or bad weather. But this has been directed to the physically able. Where are you when the doors are open and the call for service is made? Following the world or following the Lord? I know of many who are not able due to distance or illness or because they care for those with illness and at times it may because of ice/snow or flooding. But what of those with no valid excuse?
We will look more at this verse on vows again tomorrow.
Praise ye the Lord!!!