“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
Oh what joy it is to have sweet fellowship with our brethren when given opportunity!!! When we can meet with others of like faith and order and sing praises to our God and worship Him who has made it all possible. The world has no understanding of why God's faithful have such a desire to be with others who believe as we do. The world sees it as foolishness. Yet it was through the foolishness of preaching that our Lord used to present to us His Gospel. It was through the foolishness of preaching that He has taught us the truths of His Word.
It has always amazed me at how a person who claims the name of Christ yet has no desire to have fellowship with his/her own family. And even more puzzling are those who prefer the fellowship of the world over the fellowship of God's children. Makes me wonder who's family they are actually apart of.
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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