“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
We have heard much of Liberty in our nation for a time and we as God's children should be thankful to our Heavenly Father for placing us in a nation where we have been able to enjoy many freedoms and liberties that no other place on other has. Yet we have squandered the liberties our Creator has bestowed upon us. Liberties our founding fathers prayed over and sought God's guidance on how to implement the laws that would protect those liberties. We are now seeing the fears of our founders coming to light.
George Washington said it best “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” What we are seeing today in our nation is exactly what President Washington said. Without God and the Bible it is impossible to rightly govern a nation. This has been proven in what we see going on around us today. A godless generation, one void of any knowledge of the Bible. A generation whose greatest accomplishments so far have been to destroy monuments to our Godly founders and attempting to demonize our history in hopes of erasing any memory of God and His Bible from our nation.
In crying out for freedom they seek after a yoke of bondage instead of the Liberty that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Remove God and the Bible from this nation and we are no different than any of the false god following nations around the world. The peace and prosperity we have enjoyed for so long will be gone. The liberties and freedoms or fore fathers suffered and fought and died for will be gone.
As we look around us today many will ask; “What has happened to this once great nation?” We, as God's children followed after the lust of the flesh and the pride of life and stood by and watched as the heathen removed God and the Bible from our nation.
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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