“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
The word “Liberty” has been used to describe the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for against the British in the first war of Revolution in which our nation was founded. There can be no doubts that those very men looked to God's Word for guidance in creating the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. The Liberties and the Freedoms and the Rights that are mentioned in all of our founding documents declare them as gifts from our Creator. These men knew and understood the importance of creating a nation whose foundation must be built on the principles and laws of the Almighty God as laid out in His Bible. It is undeniably evident that the Spirit of the Lord had a great hand in these things.
Fast forward 244 years. What we see going on in our nation today is a great falling away from the Spirit of the Lord. That once great fighting spirit for the ideals of Liberty that once beat within the hearts of the citizens of this once great nation is dwindling away. The very foundation of our country is under attack by a people who have no knowledge of God and His Word in them. Several generations have been brought up in a godless society and are now demanding any resemblance of Godliness be destroyed and forgotten. From the abolition of our laws to the tearing down of our monuments to our godly forefathers.
As the descendants of our founders stand quietly by and watch our nation crumble before them and as they wonder what has happened in such a short time to the nation whose claim once was “One Nation Under God” a group of godless thugs begin to dismantle our very way of life. But is this all unknown to God? Some may ask “Where is God in all this?” God is right where He has always been. He is not the one who has moved. In all reality it has been the lack of godliness and the following of the world by God's own people that has brought chastisement and judgment upon our nation. When we refuse to follow the Holy Spirit in our lives the Lord can remove the Liberties we have enjoyed for so long.
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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